New news in Tenerife

The forestfire in the Los Realejos area we spoke about yesterday is now reported toaffect 500 hectors, more then 100 people have been evacuated 60 of which areminors. Officials are reported that it is a very difficult area to control asthe trees are very compacted. 10 helicopters and airplane are working tocontrol the fire with a new Air Tractor which sprays liquid retardant is beingused. Due to the fire, access to the park is now banned.
approved race track

TheTenerife Race Track presented in the auditorium in Santa Cruz the project forour own race circuit, Carlos Sáinz, Carlos Checa and Christine GZ led thepresentation on Tuesday evening. The local government are supporting andfunding the project with a budget of 51 million euros, however it is not allplain sailing as there are locals that are complaining that the island doesn’tneed or want a circuit and it will have environmental consequences, endangeringcertain species of birds. They have blocked the road and their refusal to move,caused a police intervention.OnWednesday, all 3 visited the site with the president of the CanarianGovernment. Carlos Sáinz actually drove round the track. According to the plansthe track will be 4,05km long, have 16 corners and will run anti clockwise. Thesite is located in Atogo, part of Granadilla.

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